Compositional Landscapes

Art Omi Resicency, Ghent
Upstate New York
A whole new world can be discovered at the cost of getting one’s shoes dirty. Compositionists Landscapes is a research and design exploration inspired by a first encounter with a muddy vernal pool, which is a type of wetland present in the Art Omi sculpture park. 

Through the process of investigating and creating within this vibrant ecosystem, this project seeks deeper connections with natural landscapes often neglected by fears of disturbance or impossibility for development in service of humans. It suggests an approach that fosters attachment to nature rather than emancipation from it. Envisioned as a minimalist framework of metallic cords, the project is nested within a vernal pool, intricately capturing the annual rhythms of its immediate context by getting entangled, dirtied, wet, renewed. In doing so, it celebrates the ever-changing webs of interconnected life, offering a tool to visualize and compose with nature’s perpetual transformations.

Summer & Fall