Tidal Shift
The Shed, ManhattanNew York City
The design proposal was developed by WIP collaborative, a platform that enables independent design professionals to combine their expertise and work together to realize broader impact through shared projects.
In contrast to the monumental towers and vast public spaces of Hudson Yards, the installation supports the scale of human bodies through inclined planes and stepped surfaces that invite play, rest, and social connection. Its blue-green colors and undulating forms are celebrations of movement and action on The Plaza, as well as expressions of solidarity with the “Green Wave” of feminist activism that has gained global momentum with recent hard-fought victories for women’s healthcare rights in Latin America.
WIP collaborators: Abby Coover (Overlay Office), Bryony Roberts (Bryony Roberts Studio), Ryan Brooke Thomas (Kalos Eidos), Lindsay Harkema (WIP), Sera Ghadaki (SERA GHADAKI), Sonya Gimon (3fwild) and Elsa Ponce (Studio Elsa Ponce).